Description: America's #1 Teleprompters - Prompter People - Over 13,500 Sold! Based in Silicon Valley, California, we produce America's best selling teleprompters including the iPad Teleprompter.
Description: Intelligent Broadcast Solutions from Autocue and QTV - Camera Support, Lighting, Teleprompters, Scripting, Newsroom, Video Servers, Broadcast Monitors. Solutions from entry level to Broadcast / Live TV in teleprompter software, on-camera and speech promp
Title: Makers of Multiple Emmy Award Winning Products for the Entertainment Industry
Description: Using Prompter People, Glidecam 2000, Jimmy Jib, Jony Jib, Steadicam Merlin or Varizoom and want something more efficient to use and cheaper to operate? Come to and check out our variety of jibs, prompters and camera equipment!
Title: Barber Tech Video Products featuring the Emmy award winning Steadypod and EZ Prompter
Description: Shop at professional video product equipments makers of multiple Emmy award winning products for the entertainment industry like the steadypod and tripod camera stabilizers, ez prompter teleprompter and barber boom. Video accessories and l