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Title: Stephen L. Baker Law Firm a wide-range of both legal and professional experience fulfilling your legal needs.
Description: Stephen L. Baker Law Firm has a wide-range of both legal and professional experience fulfilling your legal needs.
Keywords:secured lending, Deed of trust, Commercial Law Banking Law debtor-creditor, grandparental rights, paternity, visitation, custody, child support, post-nup, pre-nup, community property, separate property, Family Law divorce, non-disclosure, indemnity, non-compete, divestitures, acquisitions, unfair competition, misrepresentation, misappropriation, fraud, tortious interference, co-owners, non-competition,
... (View More)
DTPA, confidentiality, Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Commercial Disputes warranty, non-binding, binding, mediation, arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR, heirship, administration, probate, power of attorney, Living Will, inter vivos, testamentary, end of life, Wills and Probate, royalty, partition, lieu, easements, earnest money, eviction, security deposits, tenant, landlord, due diligence, survey, Real Estate liens, dissolution, formation, limited liability companies, LLC, Limited partnership, Business Organizations Corporations, Houston, secured transactions Attorney, U.C.C., royalties, subordination, mineral, deed restrictions, conveyance, adverse, Aggie, commercial, joint venture, Mortgage, AmJur, family law, trusts, wills, real estate, note, litigation, general practice, hands-on, general counsel, loan workouts(View Less)