Title: Ford Hall Company - The Weir Wolf Automation is a unique system of spring-loaded brushes that attach to the skimmer arm of wate
Description: The Algae Sweep Automation is a unique system of spring-loaded brushes that attach to the skimmer arm of water and waster water clarifiers or thickeners in order to clean algae and debris from effluent surfaces. The system has over 50 points of flexibili
Title: Ford Hall Company - The patented Algae Sweep Automation is a unique system of spring-loaded brushes that attach to the skimmer
Description: The patented Algae Sweep Automation is a unique system of spring-loaded brushes that attach to the skimmer arm of water and waster water clarifiers or thickeners in order to clean algae and debris from effluent surfaces. The system has over 50 points of
Title: Hub City Industries - Manufacture Brooms_Brushes_Mops
Description: Hub City Industries manufacturers wet and dry floor mops at our new factory in Charlotte, North Carolina. Includes the finest looped end mops, economy mops, finish mops and range of sizes of launderable and disposable dust mops and handles. Custom sized
Description: All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and disaster we see in this world have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a few “invisible”, super-rich people behind the scenes, high above any power structure that the ordinary citizen
Description: Automation Dynamics is a company based in Independence, MO (the Kansas City Metropolitan Area) that offers material handling solutions to the textile and garment rental industry.
Description: Mackenzie's Master Dry Cleaners and Launderers of Southgate, London specialise in professional dry cleaning, textile cleaning, fine linen, wedding dress cleaning, garment cleaning, repairs & alterations and laundry services.