Title: Pets-n-People.net — Where People Love Their Pets
Description: Pets-n-People welcomes all types of owners with all types of pets to join them in discussions on pet health issues, training issues, photo contests and a little bragging in general.
Title: North American Flyball Association | NAFA Home
Description: Welcome to the North American Flyball Association (NAFA) website. Info about flyball teams, rules, tournaments, world records, & how to get started.
Description: dognow is an online platform for the organization and evaluation of dog sports tournaments and is therefore a suitable tool for participants, clubs and organizers.
Title: Deutsche Schäferhunde aus Kör- und Leistungszucht - Zwinger von Faragon
Description: Zwinger von Faragon - Deutsche Schäferhunde aus Kör- und Leistungszucht. Wir sind Mitglied und anerkannte Zuchtstätte im SV, im VDH, der WUSV und der FCI.