Title: Maine: An Encyclopedia | Articles about Maine history, government, ecology, economy, recreation, towns, natural features, famou
Description: The Democrats of Maine in convention assembled adopted the following platform: Under the Divine guidance of Almighty God, we pledge our all to this Country’s
Keywords:marijuana, elections, revolutionary war, public figures, american revolution, sylvester gardiner, history, truss bridges, taverns, one-room schools, fadinghistory, beam bridges, news, women, people non-government, education, agriculture, ecology, economy, society, women firsts, insects, educators, authors, townships,
... (View More)
town halls, mills, lunbering, community buildings, bell towers, democratic party platforms, government, party platforms, ranked choice voting, timeline, allagash wilderness waterway, thoreau, canoe trips, canoeing, canoes, postcards, rivers, recreation, katahdin stream, mount katahdin, campgrounds, camping, hiking, mountains, streams, video, waterfalls, daicey pond, cabins, lakes, log cabins, parks, crime, health care, infrastructure, opportunity, rank of maine, state government, economy overview, casco bay, climate change, climatechange, fish, fisheries, shellfish, climate, bugs, damsel-flies, damselflies, dragon-flies, dragonflies, skimmers(View Less)