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Title: Bernese Mountain Dog Pedigree and inbreeding software and certifications database for professional BMD breeders
Description: The pedigree & inbreeding software and certifications database for professional BMD breeders to evaluate breeding stock through the use of pedigrees, certifications, titles, longevity, in-breeding coefficients, and sex-linked gene lists, as well as analy
Keywords:BMDPed, BMDpedfw, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog Pedigree, Bernese Pedigree Software, software, sex links, inbreed coefficient, Berner Pedigrees, BMD Pedigrees, Bernese database, BMD Database, Berner Sennenhund database, Berner Sennenhund pedigrees, Bouvier Bernois database, Bouvier Bernois pedigrees, Bernese Breeder software, ontario, canada, ron smith, dave long, ronald smith