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Google search volume for "bibliografie"

Website results for "bibliografie"

 12 websites found

#248,264 (+4%) -
Title: dbnl � digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren
Description: Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren (The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is a collection of primary and secondary information on Dutch language and literature in its historical, societal and cultural context.)
#1,096,465 (-17%) -
Title: Welkom op Eric's Boekensite
Description: Eric's Boeken Site : De boekensite voor al wie graag leest en een voorkeur heeft voor thrillers
#902,145 (+44%) -
Title: TRESOAR - Fries Historisch en Letterkundig Centrum
Description: Fries Historisch en Letterkundig Centrum - Frysk Histoarysk en Letterkundig Sintrum
#359,474 (+66%) -
Title: - Wir lieben Bücher
Description: - Rezensionen, Rezension, Bücher, Hobbyautoren, Schriftsteller, kurzgeschichten, Geschichten, Abenteuer, Spiele, Familienspiele, Kinderspiele
#517,412 (+5%) -
Title: Ken Whyld Association
Description: Ken Whyld Association (KWA) - international association of collectors of chess literature and historians, authors, book antiquarians and librarians who deal with chess.
#1,366,526 (-8%) -
Title: Anul 2000, Anul Eminescu / 2000, Eminescu Year
Description: Mihai Eminescu. Site despre viata si opera lui Mihai Eminescu. Acest site face parte din proiectul CD-ROM Eminescu - anul 2000, realizat de Fundatia Culturala Libra si ITC, cu sprijinul financiar al Ministerului Culturii. Art Director - Catalin Ilinca, D
#718,663 (-17%) -
Title: Integral World : Exploring Theories of Everything.
Description: This site, made by Frank Visser, is devoted to the critical discussion of the work and person of integral philosopher Ken Wilber, America's most translated author on consciousness studies. He is the founder of Integral Institute and several related organ
#1,474,980 (-16%) -
Title: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. - Startseite
Description: Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie Informationen über die Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft und zum Institut für Kulturpolitik (IfK)