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Title: SIGMAXIM, Inc. - Productivity Solutions for Pro/ENGINEER
Description: SIGMAXIM, Inc. provides products and services that enable companies to reach the maximum productivity potential of their CAD/CAM investment.
Keywords:Sigmaxim, Pro/ENGINEER, ProENGINEER, Pro-ENGINEER, Pro/E, Pro-E, ProE, ENGINEER, Pro/NC, Pro/MFG, Pro/MANUFACTURING, Pro-NC, Pro-MFG, Pro-MANUFACTURING, ProNC, ProMFG, ProMANUFACTURING, Manufacturing, Post-processor, Postprocessor, Pro/TOOLKIT, Pro/MOLD, Pro/MOLDESIGN, Pro-TOOLKIT, Pro-MOLD,
... (View More)
Pro-MOLDESIGN, ProTOOLKIT, ProMOLD, ProMOLDESIGN, Pro/DEVELOP, Pro-DEVELOP, ProDEVELOP, CAD, CAD/CAM, CADCAM, CAM, EMX, EFX, PDX, Expert, Moldbase, Framework, TDO, Tool Design, NC, Numerical Control, Progressive Dies, customization, automation, RUSH, art-to-part, cad-to-steel, data-to-steel, plastic advisor, consulting, training, moldshop, Craig Therrien, Charles Farah, Design Standards, Design Standardization, KBE, Knowledge-Based Engineering, Product Development Globalization, Global Product Development, Product Configuration, Modular Design, Design Configurator, Creo, configurator deliverables, design process standardization, Jennifer Sanders, rapid tooling(View Less)