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Google search volume for "photodisinfection"

Website results for "photodisinfection"

 2 websites found

#13,657,603 (+23%) -
Title: Sinuwave Blog | Photodisinfection for chronic sinusitis
Description: Sinuwave is a therapy that is under development for the treatment of Chronic Sinusitis. It leverages the experience from Ondine Biomedical Inc, the global leader in photodynamic solutions.
#3,917,792 (+54%) -
Title: MRSAid Blog | MRSAid is a novel, non-antibiotic system for nasal bacterial decolonization to reduce the incidence of hospital-a
Description: MRSAid is a novel non-antibiotic therapy developed for use in hospital/long-term care settings for nasal decolonization of potentially pathogenic bacteria, including MRSA. Developed by Ondine Biomedical Inc., the global leaders in antimicrobial photodyna