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Title: VR Research - Public Records Research, Retrieval and Analysis
Description: We provide public records research, retrieval and analysis for the legal, political, public relations, public affairs and lobbying industries.
Keywords:public records research, public records analysis, expert studies, varoga, varoga rice, varoga rice shalett, opposition research, litigation support, strategic knowledge, public records retrieval, public relations, public affairs, customized reports, bill by the hour, campaign finance, defensive research, background search, employment verification, military service, draft records, corporate, dba, assumed name records, uniform commercial code filings, building planning permits,
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marriage records license, professional licensing records, contract-related documents, rfp, submissions with exhibits, sec filings, broker-dealer certificate applications, desist and refrain orders, tax records of nonprofit entities, local state federal political contributions, business literature, audit reports, ice ins violations, federal subsidy information, disciplinary files, office of inspector general reports, budgets, legislation, executive orders regulations, interest group ratings, financial group ratings, financial disclosure statement, office expenses, phone records, official travel expenses, staff salaries, declared gifts and honoraria, contracts, commission minutes, legislative records, annual and quarterly financial statements, advice letters, complaints, abstract judgment, affidavit, affirmative defenses, answer, complaint, consent decree, declaratory judgment, docket, exhibit, injunction, judgment, order, temporary restraining order, unlawful detainer, assessed valuation, assessors parcel number, apn, covenants, conditions and restrictions, cc & r, deed of trust federal tax lien, grant deed, grantee, grantor, legal description, lien, lis pendens, mechanics lien, millage rate, mortgagee, mortgagor, notary public, plat, property tax lien, quitclaim deed, reconveyance, state tax lien, substition of trustee, transfer tax, trust deed, trustee, uniform commercial code filing(View Less)