Title: Galactic Friends - Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can all be proud of!
Description: Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can all be proud of!! The purpose of developing Galactic Friends is to offer a venue to showcase the uplifting messages from our
Title: Diamond Alignment - Calling Lightworkers to bring Light and Alignment to the world
Description: Jacqueline Joy, Founder of Diamond Alignment is calling Lightworkers and Conscious Beings from around the world to anchor Diamond Light and Alignment into our world, offering FREE access to the 6-minute Diamond Alignment Activation 24 hours a day, 365 da
Description: 'Resistance is thought transformed into feeling. Change the thought that creates the resistance, and there is no more resistance. '-Robert ConklinWhen things aren't working out the way you want them
Description: Angel Messengeris Angel Messenger is filled with wonderful spiritual tools like free online angel card readings, free e-books, the “Ask Sheri” blog column,
Description: AWEtizm - a peek into autism, revealing wisdom of mystics, spirituality of Lightworkers and a key to our spiritual evolution and the paradigm shift.