#14,824,400 (
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Title: Welcome to Newman Brothers, Inc.
Description: Newman Brothers, Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers of ornamental hand and guardrail systems in the United States today. Newman Brothers Inc. also operates one of the oldest foundry operations in the country. We custom cast plaques, tablets, grave
Keywords:newman brothers inc., newman bros., hand railing, railing systems, memorials, bronze memorials, cemetery vases, cremation urns, cemetery markers, metal castings, newman, cincinnati, foundry, funeral, flowers, aluminum, bronze, zamak, alloys, alloy, brass, stainless steel, wood, glass, GR-422,
... (View More)
GR-350, GR-427, walnut, oak, birch, mahogany, nickel silver, satin finish, mirror finish, OSHA, BOCA, ohio, non-ferrous(View Less)