Title: Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation
Description: The Geographic Software Tool Company Leader in GIS software and GIS developer components
Keywords:coordinate conversion, geocalc, .NET, ARC/INFO, ArcCAD, ArcIMS, ArcView, asset tracking, Atlas GIS, AutoCAD, AutoDesk, Beyondgeo, Blue Marble Geographics, Blue Marble MapServer, Blue Marble, BSB, CAD, conversion, convert coordinates, coordinate, coordinate calculator, coordinate translation, coordinate transformation, cs maps, demographic data,
... (View More)
desktop maps, Development Tools, developer map tools, DGN, dgn conversion, DWG, dwg conversion, DXF, ECW, ECW conversion, EOO conversion, ESRI, fizzy magic, FME, free GIS software, geo, geo calc, geo comp, geo trans, geocalc.net, geocoding api, geocoding tool, geocoding, Geodesy, geodesy training, geographic calculator, geographic explorer, geographic information systems, geographic tracker, geographic transformer, geographic translator, geography, GeoMapServer, GeoMedia, GeoMosaic, GeoObject, GeoObjects, GeoTIFF, GeoTransform, geotrack, geotrans, geotranslate, GeoView, GIS conversions, GIS data conversion, gis developer tools, GIS libraries, GIS Software, GIS software, gis technology, GIS Tools, GIS, GPS Interfaces, GPS, image, image reprojection, image tiling, IMS, internet map server, Internet mapping software, Internet Mapping, internet mapserver, Internet, Intranet, Jeff Cole, LT, manifold, map api, map display, Map display api, map display tool, map file conversion, Map Kit, map library, map server, map, MapBasic, Mapdisplay api, mapdisplay tool, MapGuide, MapInfo, MapMarker, MapObjects, mapping software, mapping, maps, Mapserver, MapX, Microstation, MIF, MrSID, MrSID conversion, Mr SID conversion, NAD27, NAD83, NADCON, NMEA, OCX, Professional Services, projection api, projection tool, raster display, Raster Georeferencing, raster reprojection, reproject, reproject image, reprojection api, reprojection library, reprojection tool, rockware, rubbersheet, safe software, SDE, shape to tab, SHP, spatial, SpatialWare, Surveying, TAB Reader, TAB, TAIP, Telogis, thematic, TIF, TIGER(View Less)