Title: World Prayers - Prayer Archive "prayers from all traditions"
Description: Gathering prayers from all spiritual traditions around the world into a unified prayer archive for the purpose of inspiration, study and cross cultural appreciation. World Prayers is a unique collection of historically important prayers.
Keywords:prayer, prayers, pray, world prayers, prayer archive, prayer collection, prayer anthology, collection, collective, prayers from around the world, adorations, adoration, invocations, invocation, celebrations, celebration, meditations, meditation, aboriginal, african tribal, native american, american indian, buddhism, celtic, christianity,
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confucianism, gaian, gaia, gaelic, hindu, hinduism, islam, judaism, muslim, pagan, sufi, sufism, taoism, tao, muhammad, buddha, christ, god, allah, brahman, father, mother, mother earth, koran, quran, quran, bible, tao te ching, sacred verses, sacred, verse, database, spiritual, spirituality, visionaires, divine, mysteries, inspiring, inspirational, inspired, multi-cultural, multicultural, multi-faith, interfaith, all faiths, all spiritual traditions, all traditions, multitradition, random, devotions, love, praises, surrender, humility, petitions, supplication, supplications, calling forth, healing, thanksgiving, thanksgivings, initiation, initiations, affirmation, affirmations, blessing, blessings, offering, offerings, reflections, comtemplations, being, teachings(View Less)