Description: Crone Magazine - Women Coming of Age explores the gifts and concerns of women who seek to fully embrace Earth’s cycles of life, death, transformation and spirit.
Title: AMI Sacred Images Pictures Art Prints Ascended Masters Angels Deities Christian Buddhist Hindu Sufi Native American
Description: Sacred pictures of masters, ascended masters, Hindu and Buddhist deities, angels, and other products and services by Joanna Cherry, Ascension Mastery International, and Legion of Light, including Awareness Guides on crystals, herbs, aromatherapy, chakras
Title: Transformational Times & School of the Golden Discs
Description: A center for soul nourishment and expanding consciousness, the School of the Golden Discs is a vehicle for harnessing the great human potential of these transformational times and serves as a platform for the group awakening during this momentous period
Title: A Course in Light - A Spiritual Path for Enlightenment
Description: A Course in Light is a spiritual study comprised of the Ascended Masters Teachings as a Spiritual Path for Enlightenment. These teachings are serving all interested in developing their own personal abilities as spiritual teachers, healers, light energy w
Description: Since 1997 we have provided simple, yet effective and powerful attunement connections from the Angelic Realms and the Ascended Masters. Our celestially-inspired, channeled attunements are designed to support the spiritual transformation that is taking pl