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Google search volume for "akc"

Website results for "akc"

 Page 17 of 1,691 results

Title: Pomeranian dogs
Description: General Appearance The Black and Tan Coonhound is first and fundamentally a working dog, a trail and tree hound, capable of withstanding the rigors of winter, the heat of summer, and the difficult terrain...
Title: Home - Angel Kennels
Description: We are small hobby breeders just south of Charleston, SC. All of our babies are raised in our home. We are AKC inspected and approved.
Title: AKC Charity Pug - Pug Breeders of Merits, AKC registered and PWCCA members.
Description: Charity Pug Dogs and Puppies - Pug breeders based in, USA
#0 (0%) -
Title: J & P Pugs - Home
Description: We have Pug Puppies, male and female puppies for sale, local pickup or 24 hours delivery! J & P Pugs was conceptualized differently than any other pet store you have ever seen!
#457,274 (-19%) -
Title: Puppies For Sale In PA - Dogs For Sale in Pa | Puppies for Sale in PA DE MD NY NJ Philly DC Baltimore | Greenfield Puppies
Description: Greenfield Puppies has been finding homes for puppies since 2000. We visit every breeder, inspect their puppies and their facilities before we place their puppies for sale on our site.
#8,379,848 (+76%) -
Title: Cavalier, Westie, Pug puppies for sale in Winona MN, cavalier king charles, west highland white terrier, pug, puppies for sale,
Description: cavalier king charles spaniel puppies, west highland white terrier puppies, bernese mountain dog puppies, berner puppies, bernese puppies, pug puppies
#11,615,169 (0%) -
Description: Rhodesian Ridgeback Breeder raising and training amazing dogs for the ring, companions and therapy work. Education and information about puppies and dogs, Rescue work and therapy work with Rhodesian Ridgebacks, the African Lion Hound.
#7,530,408 (+128%) -
Title: Standard poodle puppies, Standard poodles,Red standard poodles, Dark red standard poodles,Standard poodle puppies for sale, AKC
Description: Professional Breeder of Quality Standard Poodles. Our AKC Chocolate Standard Poodles are hallmarked for their calm loving temperaments. We specialize in chocolate brown and rich red.